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One Night Page 22
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Page 22
“Aw!” I squealed.
“I’ve never heard you tell Ethan you love him before. It was cute.”
“Hush before I poke you in the eye with my mascara brush, cause I have a lot to fill you in on.”
“Yes, Sir!”
“You still breathing in there?” Ethan called out from outside the bathroom.
“No-yes- just gimme a second. My hair’s not looking good right now.” Normally I didn't worry too much about my appearance being “perfect”, but I was amped up like never before, and not in the excited kind of way.
“We ran out of a second 5 minutes ago.”
“Alright, I’m comin’.” I needed about thirty more minutes, but my mom would’ve had me by the neck if she found out I wasn’t on my way. Outside, Ethan was leaning against the wall looking pissed.
“Are you serious? That’s what you had me waiting for?”
Yeah, he was pissed, but that was the perfect time to mess with him. “You can’t rush looks like these,” I told him, pushing back a curl that kept falling in front of my right eye.
“Your hair looks like that every day!”
“Wrong. My hair is 3 inches too long. I need a cut,” I said, walking to grab my cap and gown off the back of the couch.
“Dude, you look fine. Now let’s go.”
“Fine... like a knight in shining suit, eh?”
“I’m not saying that.”
“You want a kiss first?”
“Yeah, kiss my ass. I’ll be outside warming up the car. Don’t forget your hair gel,” he said retreating down the staircase.
“You said I look fine!”
I held Alex’s hand in an attempt to stop mine from trembling. Our diploma ceremony was held on the football field, and the two of us stood in a tent waiting for the boys to arrive. We didn’t want to take our seats without them.
“Ready to give your speech?” she asked, squeezing my hand.
“Yeah. I’m ready, just a little anxious.”
“Trust me, I can tell by the way your tassel is vibrating on the side of your cap. Everything’s gonna be fine.”
“Huh. I guess Klein was right when he said all of my English presentations were just a warmup for this.”
One day after class was over, he asked me to stay behind. Initially, I thought I was in trouble, but he ended up asking if I’d like to give the year's farewell speech at graduation. I don’t know, but hearing, “All bias aside, you are the best person to give this speech and send off the senior class,” was a real game changer. Ever since then, I’d been writing and rewriting what I wanted to say until I felt it was perfect. If making Klein cry was any tell, I'd say I did a damn good job.
“He was right. I mean, once upon a time, you kinda sucked at presenting,” Alex said with a shrug.
“You know what, you suck,” I told her, slapping the back of her hand before letting it go.
“I don’t suck anything,” she replied.
“Uh, did I walk in at the wrong time?”
When I looked up, I saw Joseph walk in. I raced to him and jumped into his arms. “Finally!” I exclaimed.
“Hi, beautiful,” he said, kissing my cheek as he set me back on my feet.
Ethan stood at the entrance of the tent. “What took you guys so long?” I asked him.
“Your boyfriend was having a fit about his hair,” he replied, shaking his head.
“Didn’t you say you were going to get it cut yesterday?” I asked, inspecting his fringe. There was a loose curl that I couldn’t resist twirling around my finger.
“I was planning on it, but remember that series you told me about?”
“Yeah. I started watching it and ended up binging the entire first season.”
“I can’t believe it, haha.”
“The Four Musketeers, get your butts out here!” Principal Howard shouted from outside the tent.
“What’s Sotus?” Alex and Ethan asked simultaneously.
“I’ll explain later, we gotta take our seats!”
⋅. ✯ .⋅
Igniting the field with brilliance, the early afternoon sun sat high in the sky. I found it funny that just a week earlier the field was being kicked in and pulled back up by determined cleats. All along the sidelines lay towels drenched in sweat and nearly empty sports drink bottles. Not that long ago, I stood in the stands with my best friends, cheering until my throat was raw.
That very same field was turned into the platform for our sending off. Countless rows of chairs adorned with big blue bows stretched all the way down to the endzone. “Class of 2019” was spelled out in balloons. I didn’t think the day would come so soon, but no way would I turn back. This was my time.
“Good afternoon, students, parents and faculty! I’m Principal Justine Howard and foremost, I want to thank you all for being here to help celebrate such a great milestone.”
The crowd gave a welcoming applause, and I took the opportunity to stick out my neck and smile at Alex in the J section. Too bad we were in alphabetical order.
“Throughout my career, I’ve given out a fair amount of detentions, but today? I get to hand out diplomas. I’m lucky to have gotten to know so many wonderful, crazy kids. Looking out at you all now, it warms my heart to see you’ve grown into such remarkable men and women.” She paused, on the verge of tears. “Now if you all would help me, I’d like to welcome to the stage an indeed remarkable young woman, Sienna Martinez!”
I stood on slightly wobbly legs, marching up to the stage. For a moment, I admired some of my favorite smiling faces in the crowd. Mr. Klein shot his thumbs up into the air. Mariah blew me a kiss. My father stood tall with his Nikon in hand, ready to take a hundred pictures. My mother’s eyes were wide and filled with tears as she wiped at her cheeks. Likely having conspired earlier, Alex and Joseph simultaneously shouted out: “We love you!” And just like that, any fears I had vanished.
“Good afternoon everybody. Ah, standing on this stage makes me feel so many different things. I’m happy, proud to have made it this far, and I’m even prouder to have been chosen to represent my senior class. But I’m also sad and nervous as hell.”
That earned a laugh from the crowd.
“Because whether we want to or not, we all have to face the fact that everything ends eventually. I’ve never liked endings, especially when it comes to a good book. And I’m sure we can all agree that we’ve never liked the last day of summer, or parting ways with a close friend.
“But like change, endings are inevitable. You must close that book. Leaves will start falling, and you will say goodbye. Today is one of those days for us. Today we say goodbye to the things that are familiar. The things we’ve gotten so comfortable with...
“We’re moving on. We’re leaving our home, and that hurts. But there are people who have impacted us so greatly, people who are such a big part of us, that they will be with us no matter where we go. Today we graduate and officially begin our lives as new people. Like I said, change is scary but inevitable and I think we’re all ready for it. One last time, Bears, I wanna hear you roar!”
The crowd erupted into a collection of whoops, cheers, and claps. Principal Howard hugged me tightly before we posed for a picture taken by none other than my dad.
“Wonderful job, sweetie. Absolutely wonderful,” she said, smiling from ear to ear.
I exited the stage and met Mr. Klein, who escorted me back to my seat.
“Now, without further ado let’s get to those diplomas! The first lucky senior to be on her way is Mindy Arias!”
Our class was made up of a little over 400 students, but before I knew it, I was applauding Mariah, Ethan and then Alex. She did it. My best friend graduated. There was no way in hell my makeup would last until the end of the ceremony. No way.
"Whooooo!" I cheered for her louder than anyone in the audience.
"Sienna? Get
up here!" Principal Howard cheered happily.
I walked across that stage and grabbed hold of the piece of paper I'd worked so insanely hard over the last four years to receive. This was my time.
"Congratulations, Sienna. You did it."
"Thank you, Mrs. Howard... I'm gonna miss this place."
"Trust me, we'll miss you too sweetheart."
With another big hug, I was being sent off the stage and on to the next phase of my life. A few hundred more names were called before Joseph. But like Alex, I cheered at the top of my lungs when he sauntered across the stage. The grin that spread on my face was full of pride and pure adoration. That was my fan-freakin-tastic boyfriend up there. That was my man.
After handing out the last of the diplomas and turning over the last tassel, Principal Howard and Vice Principal Saunders took center stage to bid us all one final teary-eyed goodbye.
"Ladies and gentlemen, please help me in giving the biggest round of applause for the senior class of 2019!!!"
It was at this moment that time seemed to slow down to a full stop, creating the most beautiful picture. Not a single face in the sea of parents, students or faculty was amiss. Wide smiles, joyfully teary eyes, and a sky full of creatively decorated grad caps. We made it.
After the ceremony, Alex shared with me and the guys that her father volunteered to help organize our post-graduation party. I wasn't sure why, but I was thankful; I appreciated he was doing something that would mean everything to not only the graduating class, but his daughter too.
The four of us took one final look at Ridgeview high in all its glory before piling into Ethan's Jeep. Pulling out onto the road, I couldn't help but turn around in my seat and watch the school shrink as we drove further away. A single tear rolled down my cheek.
⋅. ✯ .⋅
The party was being held at Alex’s. After all, it was the size of a mini hotel, so of course it would accommodate hundreds of kids. However, it was weird seeing so many people there at once. For so long it had been just me, Alex, and Joseph occupying the empty space. But today, life was breathed back into this family's home.
I was on my way to see what Aaron and my father were cooking up when a flying wet foam ball almost knocked me into the pool.
"Whoa! Take it easy over there!" I shouted.
"Sorry, Principal Martinez. Won't happen again," Khai replied with a wink, emerging from underwater.
"You know what, if I were the principal, I'd have held you back so you can work on that attitude," I said, kicking the ball back into the pool.
"Love ya!" he shouted back.
"Yeah, yeah."
Safely arriving at the grill, my senses were sent into overdrive as I inhaled the smell of steak and shrimp.
"Please tell me this is almost ready," I whined, clutching my stomach.
"Casi, casi," (Almost, almost) my dad replied, flipping the steaks.
Aaron finished basting the shrimp in teriyaki sauce before turning to meet me.
"Is that really you, Sienna?" he asked.
"It sure is," I replied.
For the most part he looked the same, with only the slightest signs of aging in his hair and around his gut.
"The last time I saw you was when you were fourteen. Now here you are all grown up and newly graduated..."
Sorrow thickly lined his voice, but I knew it wasn't because of me. It was because of Alex. He'd missed out on such vital years of her life, just to come back, barely making it to see her become a woman and walk the stage. But I know things weren't easy for him when he was away.
"Hey, Lucas, can you take over the grill for a moment?"
"Sure, no problem."
Aaron walked off toward the gazebo that was set up on the grassy side of the backyard. Alex and Ethan were dancing together underneath it. He looked like he was going to talk to her but decided against it, letting the two carry on. I didn't even notice I was frowning until my dad poked my cheek.
"What's got you upset, princesa?"
"Nothing. Just thinking about Alex and her dad."
"Don't worry yourself, okay? Just enjoy the day, enjoy this."
He held out a deliciously gorgeous looking shrimp, pierced on the end of a skewer. Without a second thought I closed my mouth, biting down on the succulent treat. I instantly felt better.
"Mmmm," I groaned. "I will take 50 more of those."
"Coming right up," my father said, chuckling lightly.
Out the corner of my eye, I saw Joseph slip outside from the sliding back door of the house. I hadn't seen him since we first arrived, and he didn't even answer his phone when I messaged him.
"You gonna save some for me? I like shrimp too," Joseph said, making his way to the grill.
"Yeah, so do I!" Mariah said, appearing behind him.
I stuck my nose in the air. "Nope. You're gonna have to wait until the next round goes on."
Mariah stuck her pink tongue out at me, and I took my plate of freshly grilled shrimp and went off to find a place to enjoy them. Joseph wordlessly followed behind me. Thankfully, I found a cozy spot underneath the tree next to the gazebo.
"Wait- before you sit."
Joseph peeled off his suit jacket and laid it across the spot where I wanted to sit. The small amount of annoyance I felt for him not answering his phone earlier dissipated immediately.
"Joey, you're gonna have grass stains."
"Better my jacket than your dress."
"Well... only if you sit on it with me."
An adorable grin appeared on his face.
"Okay, let's sit then."
I held out a shrimp for him the way my father did for me earlier. His eyes never left mine as his lips closed entirely around my fingers. Flustered, I quickly snatched them away.
"It's good right?" I asked, staring at my lap.
"It's amazing, just like you," he replied, swiping under his lower lip.
“I haven’t even done anything.”
He took my hand in his, squeezing it. "Of course you have. Your speech was perfect, and that's amazing to me because I don't think I could have done it."
I shook my head, interlocking our fingers. "But you have like ten times more confidence than me."
"Maybe a little bit more social confidence, but that was a huge crowd out there. Between you and me..." he leaned in close. "I would've shit my pants."
We laughed hard together.
"Oh no, we certainly wouldn't have wanted that," I said, once again playing with the loose curl in Joseph's hair.
"Do you like my hair long?" he asked, looking at me from underneath his eyelashes.
"I do." I let go of the curl and brought my hand to the back of his neck. "The more to pull on."
"Oh, Sienna... you're gonna be the death of me."
Slowly I inched forward with my eyes on his lips, until like magnets, we collided. I smiled against his mouth, deliriously happy to call him mine.
With one final peck, we reluctantly pulled away from each other. In front of us stood my mother. I instinctively got ready to rip my hand out of Joseph's grasp, but he firmly held onto me.
"Hi, Mom."
"Hi, baby... Joseph, how are you?" she asked sincerely.
"Couldn't be better, Mrs. Martinez," he answered, smiling at me. I never understood how he could be so confident in front of someone like my mother.
"Good, good. Uh, if you don't mind, I'd like to speak to my daughter for a moment."
"Of course." Before he left me and my mother alone, he whispered into my ear: "You got this."
I gestured for my mom to take Joseph's seat on the grass beside me. She shifted awkwardly trying to find a decent position for her legs.
"It was really nice for Aaron to do this for you guys," she began.
"Oh for sure. It turned out better than I imagined."
Looking out at the scene before me, I couldn't help but smile. My dad turned the grill back over to Aaro
n, grabbed a water gun, and joined David. They ran around like teenagers, spraying at Marlene and the others around her.
Ethan and Alex had hopped into the pool to join Khai and Mariah in a tamer game of water basketball. The rest danced and sang to the light tunes being cranked out on the speaker. This was the perfect way to end our last day as high schoolers.
"You may not believe me but I'm happy for you. I didn't see it at first because I didn't allow myself to, but you deserve Joseph... you deserve to be happy and you deserve to be free and independent."
Finally, the words I'd been waiting to hear for so long.
"I'm sorry... I am so sorry for the way I behaved, for the way I treated you. I was just scared." A deep frown settled on her lips.
"Scared of what, mom?" I asked, turning my body toward her.
"I feared you growing up. I wanted to protect you from the world. I- I wanted you to stay my little girl forever." Sighing, she took my face in her hands. "But I never realized how truly unhappy I was making you. I never fully realized that I should've been trying to protect the world from you."
"What do you mean?" I asked, arching a brow.
"You've always been ahead of your time. You’re such a beautiful, strong young woman and that is dangerous," she said, giving me a watery laugh.
"I..." before I could stop it, a downpour of tears left me. "All I've ever wanted was for you to be proud of me."
My mother pulled me into her arms and cooed. "I've always been proud of you. Always. Don't you forget that."
Pulling away, I cringed at the dark mascara marks left on her white dress.
"Sorry about that..."
"We've got a washer and dryer for a reason, right? Here." She pulled out a small square cloth and handed it to me. I cleaned off my face and smiled.
"Can I have everybody's attention?" Aaron's voice boomed over the speaker as he spoke into the mic plugged into it. Everyone stopped in their positions, giving him the spotlight.
"It’s been a real pleasure hosting the post-graduation party for the class of 2019. Thank you all for coming to celebrate. In addition, I'd like to say a few words to a very special graduate. Alex?"
Everyone followed his gaze to the pool where Alex sat on the outer edge, drying off in a towel. Her eyes were shimmering and wide with surprise, but nonetheless she joined her father's side in front of the crowd.